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Can breast implants last 30 years?

It is possible, as there is no defined timeline for an implant. The risk of a breast implant rupturing does increase with time. However, current generation implants have improved rupture profiles compared to past generations. If you are concerned that your implant may be ruptured, schedule a consultation with your plastic surgeon.

Can fat be transferred to breasts?

Yes. Fat transfer to the breast is done most commonly in situations of breast reconstruction after cancer removal. Fat can also be transferred to the breast for purposes of cosmetic augmentation. However, the size increase with fat grafting augmentation is less predictable than with an implant.

Does insurance cover breast implants?

Breast implants placed for cosmetic augmentation are not covered by insurance. Breast implants placed as part of breast reconstruction after breast cancer are often covered by insurance.

How do I prepare for breast implants?

You can prepare for your breast implant consultation by identifying the goal result you have in mind. Look through pictures on our website to find a person with a similar body and breast size prior to surgery, and with an outcome after surgery that is in line with your goals. Then, during your consultation, you can show these pictures to your plastic surgeon to best convey your breast augmentation goals.

How do you know if you have capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is the term for abnormal thickening of scar tissue that can develop in the otherwise normal capsule surrounding a breast implant. Capsular contracture can cause your breast to feel hard, to develop a more spherical shape, to move up or ride high on your chest, or to become painful. If you are concerned that you may have capsular contracture, contact your plastic surgeon to schedule a consultation.

How long do breast implants last?

There is no defined timeline for an implant. The risk of a breast implant rupturing does increase with time. However, current generation implants have improved rupture profiles compared to past generations. If you are concerned that your implant may be ruptured, schedule a consultation with your plastic surgeon.

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it?

Breast augmentation is a very personal decision, unique to each patient. It is important to take time to reflect on your individual reasons for wanting a breast augmentation and the discussions you have had with your plastic surgeon regarding the details of the surgery and the recovery. Only then can you decide for yourself if it is worth it.

What can go wrong with breast implants?

Potential complications after breast implant surgery include, but are not limited to, implant rupture, capsular contracture (or a thickening of scar tissue that forms around the implant), nipple/breast/skin sensation changes, asymmetry, scarring, wrinkling or rippling, infection, hematoma and potential need for additional surgery. It is important to have a discussion with your plastic surgeon prior to your surgery regarding potential complications, their risk rates, and ways to decrease the risks.

What is the most common breast implant size?

Breast implant size is unique to each patients body size, breast size, and augmentation goal. The important thing is to have a discussion with your plastic surgeon regarding your goals, so that together you can arrive at the perfect breast implant size for you!

Are breast implants under warranty?

Yes. The breast implants come with a warranty from the manufacturer. The specifics of the warranty vary with the manufacturer, the type of implant, and the scenario.

How painful is breast augmentation recovery?

Every patient experiences pain differently. The majority of patients have pain in the breasts, which may require prescription pain medication, for anywhere from a few days to a week or so after surgery. Typically, after one week a patient may still have some soreness, but to a manageable degree and which continues to improve day by day.

Is breast enlargement possible without surgery?

Sustained breast enlargement is not possible without surgery. Padded bras and other clothing garments may create the appearance of breast enlargement. However, true sustained breast enlargement can only be achieved with surgery.

What is the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?

Breast augmentation refers to the process by which the breast is augmented or made larger. Breast implants are the most commonly used devices that are inserted surgically in order to achieve the increased size, or augmentation, of the breast.

Do you have to replace breast implants every 10 years?

No. An implant only needs to be replaced if it is ruptured, or in certain scenarios if there is another specific problem or symptom associated with the implant. While rupture rates increase with time, more so after 10 years, the rupture rates are still quite low with current generation breast implants.

How do I know if my breast implant is leaking?

If you have a silicone breast implant, the breast itself will not deflate if the breast implant is leaking. Instead, the capsule around the breast will likely be stimulated to create thickened scar tissue known as capsular contracture. This may case the breast to become firm, to become more spherical in shape, to move up or ride high on the chest, or to have pain. If you have a saline breast implant, the breast will deflate partially or completely if the breast implant is leaking and you will likely notice the decrease in size of that breast. If you are concerned that your breast implant is leaking, contact your plastic surgeon to schedule a consultation.

How long are breast augmentation incisions sore?

Every patient experiences pain differently. For most patients, the majority of the soreness around the incision improves after approximately one week or so.

What are cohesive breast implants?

Cohesive breast implants refer to a subset of silicone breast implants. The silicone that fills the shell of a silicone implant is a gel-like substance. Cohesive implants use more cohesive, or firmer silicone gel in their implants. The purpose of a more cohesive silicone gel fill to an implant is to retain the shape of the implant as the implant is moved in different positions.

What are Natrelle breast implants?

Natrelle is the brand name for breast implants made by the manufacturer Allergan.

Is there an alternative to breast implants?

The most effective, efficient, and researched way to surgically augment/enlarge the breasts is with breast implants. Fat can also be transferred to the breast for purposes of cosmetic augmentation. However, the size increase with fat grafting augmentation alone is less predictable than with an implant. Also, the overall increase in breast size is limited when using fat grafting alone for augmentation.

What are gummy bear implant?

Gummy bear is a term that refers to some of the cohesive breast implants.

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