How to Prevent Capsular Contracture

How to Prevent Capsular Contracture

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While the majority of patients who undergo breast augmentation do not experience complications, there are some patients who experience capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is the formation of scar tissue around the breast implant over time, causing it to harden. While no one really knows why a capsule forms, Dr. Sabbagh believes that some patients react to a foreign body, the implant, differently, and some are just predisposed to get a capsule. Read on for some tips on how to prevent capsular contracture from occurring.

Breast Implant Position

The most important thing that prevents the formation of scar tissue around a breast implant is the position that the breast implant is placed in. In most cases, both silicone and saline implants should be placed under the muscle, because when they are placed on top of the muscle, there is a much higher incidence of scar tissue forming around the implant. “Sometimes, a textured or rough surface implant may diminish that possibility a little, but in reality, when a person is going to react to the breast implant, causing scar, under the muscle is much less likely than over the muscle.” Dr. Sabbagh said. Other complications, such as rippling in implants, are more common when the implant is placed in front of the muscle because there’s less tissue. Also, long term sagging of the breast implants can occur over time because they’re only supported by the skin when they’re on top of the muscle. “So, if you’re going to have breast implants and the surgeon is telling you that he’s going to put them in front of the muscle, he has to have a really good reason why he’s doing it, and why he’s not doing it under the muscle. Almost all board-certified plastic surgeons recommend under the muscle,” Dr. Sabbagh explained.

Surgical Technique

Meticulous surgical technique can also prevent the formation of scar tissue around the breasts. Besides placing the implant on top of the muscle, the only other thing that is known to cause scar tissue is bleeding. Because of this, the surgery should be done very carefully with as little bleeding as possible. “In general, when you do the procedure there should be less than maybe a teaspoon or so of bleeding actually, and almost no bruising after the surgery.” Dr. Sabbagh said.

Preventing Contamination

Another way to prevent capsular contracture is minimizing bacteria or contamination during surgery. The surgery is done sterilely, and patients are given antibiotics pre-operatively to prevent infections, as well as post op. Also, trying to prevent the implant from touching the skin is said to maybe diminish the formation of a capsule as well. Overall, prevention of the capsule is the best method, and placing the implant under the muscle is the best way to do that. Once the capsule forms, it’s very hard to permanently correct. If you are located in the Dearborn or West Bloomfield areas and are interested in learning more about breast augmentation, contact our office today! Call 248-270-5272 to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Sabbagh.

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