Tips for a Healthy Breast Augmentation Recovery
Go BackA breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that can give you the breast size and contour you’ve always wanted! With any surgery, you must consider recovery time and take the proper steps to help your body heal. Along with your surgeon’s after-care instructions, here are four tips for a healthy, speedy recovery following your breast augmentation procedure.
Breast Augmentation Recovery
Have Help
Before you have your breast augmentation surgery, you will want to find a close friend or family member to care for you during the first day or two. This might include having someone stay with you or just checking up on you a few times a day. You should arrange for that person to take you home from your procedure and drive you anywhere you need to go while your still on any strong pain medications. During recovery, you should not lift over 20 pounds, so you might want a caretaker to help with small children or just daily chores around the house.
Manage Pain
Although you can expect some level of discomfort during your recovery, a few things can help to manage this. If you’re worried about pain after surgery, your surgeon can prescribe you pain medication, but many women feel fine with just an over-the-counter pain reliever after the first day. Applying an ice pack off and on can also manage some pain and swelling during recovery.
Get Plenty of Rest
Although you won’t (and shouldn’t be) on bed rest, you’re breast augmentation recovery should consist of a lot of sleep and rest, so your body can heal properly. Make sure you have a comfortable bed with lots of pillows to help you find the right angle for comfortable sleep. Before your procedure, you might want to go out to get movies, books, and other things you can do to pass the time while you’re in bed recovering.
Have Healthy Foods Available
Before you have your breast augmentation procedure, you will want to do some grocery shopping to make sure you have easy, healthy foods available. During your recovery, you probably won’t feel like cooking, so you might choose easy meals that are still healthy. Your body will need plenty of nutrients to heal properly and get your energy back up. You might experience some nausea from the anesthesia, so have light meals planned. Along with healthy foods, you will also want to avoid dehydration and drink plenty of water throughout your recovery process. For more tips on how you can have a healthy and successful recovery, contact our office today!