Juvederm for Cheek Augmentation in Northville, MI

Dermal fillers like Juvederm have long been used by plastic surgeons to restore volume to sunken or hollow cheeks. Despite this, dermal fillers have yet to receive FDA-approval for cheek augmentation. But this might soon change. Earlier this month, the FDA’s General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee unanimously agreed… Continue reading Juvederm for Cheek Augmentation in Northville, MI

New Facial Rejuvenation Techniques Move Beyond Popular Injectable Fillers

Many individuals notice that early signs are often more visible on the face than any other area of the body. The plastic surgery industry is continually expanding its selection of youth-enhancing procedures to include a wide variety of options for consumers eager for facial rejuvenation. “Twenty years ago, there was only one remedy for facial… Continue reading New Facial Rejuvenation Techniques Move Beyond Popular Injectable Fillers