Breast Implants vs Breast Lift – Picking The Right Procedure For You

Common surgeries performed by plastic surgeons are breast implants or a breast lift. To have significant differences and are performed for different reasons. A breast augmentation will increase the size of the breast but does very little lifting of the breast. A breast lift will lift the breast by removing excess skin, but this does very little to increase the volume of the breast. These two procedures can be done separately or in combination. An evaluation with a plastic surgeon will determine which procedure is best for you or if both are needed to give you the results you are interested in.

What Are Breast Implants?

Women who want to increase the volume of their breasts can do so with breast implants. There are two types of breast implants that are commonly used. Saline-filled breast implants and silicone filled breast implants. There is essentially no difference in the appearance of the two types of implants, however, the saline implant is occasionally palpable beneath the breast or on the side of the breast. The silicone implant, on the other hand, is not palpable and has a more natural feel. The best position for either implant is under the muscle which will give overall a better result with fewer chances of palpable ripples or visible ripples in saline implants and also diminished the likelihood of scar tissue forming over time. The size of the implant will be determined by the patient’s desires and the anatomy of the patient. If a shaped implant is indicated the surgeon will discuss this with the patient.

Position of Incisions

There are three main positions used to insert a breast implant. The periareolar incision, which is an incision along the lower edge of the areola can be used to insert most implants, however, because it is limited by the size of the areola occasionally a larger silicone implant cannot be placed through this incision. It does have an increased potential for changes in nipple sensation as well as occasional healing issues causing contour irregularities in the breast. The inframammary incision is an incision in the fold beneath the breast. This is the most commonly used incision. It is the most versatile and has the least problems associated with it. The axillary or arm incision is occasionally used, however, have very little benefits compared to the other incisions available.

What Is A Breast Lift?

A breast lift is the removal of excess skin which has developed with aging or after childbirth, as well as after significant weight loss too. There are three types of breast lifts. There is a periareolar, or doughnut, type of a breast lift which has very limited indications which means very few patients benefit from this procedure because it is only able to correct a very small amount of droopiness. The lollipop or short scar breast lift will involve a periareolar incision or an incision around the areola and then a vertical incision from the areola to the inframammary fold. This can be used in women with less droopiness and can give reasonable results as far as the lifting and shaping of the breast. The anchor type of breast lift, which would involve incisions around the areola down into the fold and in the fold itself, is the most versatile form of uplift, it is able to correct any amount of droopiness. It does give the best shape to the breast. All incisions from beast uplifts usually heal very nicely and have very little visible scarring.

When to Use Both Procedures?

Postpartum changes of the breasts involve deflation of the breasts and also create excess skin in the breasts similar to significant weight loss. Occasionally the volume of the breast will be diminished enough that a breast implant would be recommended to provide better shape and refill the breast and a breast uplift will then be used to remove the extra skin essentially lifting the breast up onto the implant which will be placed in a more youthful position. The breast itself will have a better and more youthful shape to it. The surgeon will help you in this decision and make recommendations on which he feels will give you the best results and also give you the results that you are expecting.

If you are considering either of these procedures, you can make a consultation to see Dr. Sabbagh who would then evaluate and make recommendations on which procedure will address your concerns and give you the best result.


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