Dr. Sabbagh Offers Rhinoplasty Procedures at Straith Clinic

At Straith Clinic in Bingham Farms, Mich., we offer rhinoplasty procedures to improve the appearance of the nose. A nose job can also repair damage to the interior or exterior structures of the nose after a patient has an accident or surgery to remove cancerous tissue. Our plastic surgeon has extensive education and training in… Continue reading Dr. Sabbagh Offers Rhinoplasty Procedures at Straith Clinic

Top 5 Plastic Surgery Procedures

According to the 2017 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, there have been some changes in the top five surgical and non-surgical procedures in the past year. Some of these changes can be attributed to the increase in technology for non-surgical procedures. In addition to new technology in minimally invasive treatments, some classic surgical procedures are seeing… Continue reading Top 5 Plastic Surgery Procedures