An abdominoplasty is a very popular procedure at the Straith Clinic. Also known as a tummy tuck, this procedure is performed to remove excess abdominal skin and to tighten the muscles. Most commonly, women who have had children and/or have stretch marks are those who choose to have a tummy tuck. However, recently, because of the increase in the popularity of weight loss procedures, a new population of patients who have had massive weight loss are requiring skin removal. Patients travel from West Bloomfield, Dearborn, and Detroit for a tummy tuck by plastic surgeon Dr. Sabbagh or Female Plastic Surgeon Dr. Baca. After a tummy tuck surgery, your midsection will appear slimmer and tauter. Oftentimes, patients feel much more comfortable showing off their midsections, even in swimwear.

Tummy Tuck Benefits

A tummy tuck offers a variety of cosmetic and medical benefits. The tummy tuck procedure can restore separated or weakened abdominal muscles, improve bladder function, reduce abdominal discomfort, minimize itchiness, rashes, and infections caused by drooping skin, and alter the shape and appearance of the abdomen to help you achieve a flatter and more toned abdomen.

Tummy Tuck Options

We offer a variety of different tummy tuck procedures depending on the extent of your surgery needs. Our tummy tuck options include:

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck procedure addresses the area of the abdomen below the belly button. Your plastic surgeon will make one incision at your bikini line and will stretch the skin downward to create a more toned look. This treatment can also tighten the muscles in the lower abdomen.

Traditional Tummy Tuck

This procedure is the most common variation of tummy tuck. Focusing on the entire abdomen, your surgeon will make two incisions around the lower abdomen and belly button, allowing your doctor to remove sagging skin from both areas and tighten the abdominal muscles. This option is an excellent choice for women who have experienced changes in their bodies due to genetics, aging, or pregnancy.

Extended Tummy Tuck

An extended tummy tuck is performed on individuals who need a significant reduction in skin, such as after extreme weight loss. Your surgeon will make one incision around the abdomen to the hips, allowing your doctor to evenly tighten the skin across the body.

Traditional Tummy Tuck vs. No Drain Tummy Tuck


Traditionally, the abdominoplasty involves elevation of the abdominal skin off of the muscles, which are then tightened. The skin is pulled down, and the extra skin is removed. At this point, drains are placed between the skin layer and the muscle layer to collect fluid which occurs from swelling. This technique results in tension on the incision which may increase scar formation. A new technique, which is called the “Progressive Tension Sutures,” has eliminated the necessity for drains after an abdominoplasty. This technique involves the elevation of skin and muscle tightening. At this time, the skin is slowly advanced downwards and sutured back to the muscle covering which closes off the space that was created by elevating the skin. This also fixes the flaps into position and distributes the tension over the entire abdomen, rather than at the lower abdominal incision. Not only does this eliminate the need for drains, it diminishes tension on the incision which can minimize scarring. Patients are generally much happier with this procedure because they do not have to deal with the drain tubes, which generally will be in place for one to two weeks and can become fairly uncomfortable. The no-drain technique also diminishes the likelihood of a postoperative seroma, by eliminating the space where the fluid can collect.

Who is a Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Individuals can develop a loose or sagging abdomen due to many factors, including aging, pregnancy, prior surgery, and fluctuations in weight. If you are unhappy with your protruding or sagging abdomen, a tummy tuck may be able to benefit you. Those who are at a weight plateau and have realistic expectations are often happiest with their results. It is important that patients do not smoke prior to or after their procedure, as it can cause complications.

Tummy Tuck Combination Procedures

When performed in combination with other procedures, you can see the maximum benefits of a tummy tuck. Many patients opt to receive a tummy tuck procedure in combination with other body contouring treatments, including:

Breast Lift

A breast lift helps to raise the breasts to your desired positioning on the chest through the removal of excess skin and tissue. This procedure tightens the chest tissue to support the breasts.

Buttock Enhancement

The buttock enhancement procedure improves the contour, size, and shape of your buttocks. This surgical procedure uses fat transfer techniques to help you achieve your desired contours.

Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is a customizable set of procedures designed to help you achieve the silhouette you wish for after having children. This treatment combines breast and abdominal procedures of your choice, including a breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, and more.

What to Expect

  • Anesthesia – Usually local
    with IV sedation. General anesthesia is used if surgery is performed in a hospital setting
  • Length of Surgery – 2 to 3 hours
  • In/Outpatient – A tummy tuck is generally an outpatient procedure in our accredited on-site surgery
    . In-patient may be required for certain patients.
  • Recovery – Generally, full social and employment activities can be resumed approximately two to
    three weeks after surgery.  Strenuous exercise and activities such as sports are restricted for approximately
    six weeks and may be increased gradually every day.  The healing process and your occupation may cause the
    length of time to vary.
  • Fading of Scars – Several months to one year
  • Duration of Results – Results may last several years, but gravity, aging, and weight changes
    may affect the result. Results vary.

The Procedure

For the surgery, an incision is made within an area hidden by a bikini type swimsuit. The excess skin and fat of the lower abdomen are excised and the muscle tightened. The operation includes repositioning the navel to its previous position. Any weakness of the abdominal wall will be repaired at the same time.

Tummy Tuck Recovery

Generally, after an abdominoplasty, with or without drains, the patient is fairly sedentary for the first week. After the first week of tummy tuck recovery, most patients can resume normal light activities. Some patients are able to resume light work and also driving short distances.

5-stars-rating-ping Having my surgeries were the best decision of my life. I feel great about myself everyday. Dr Sabbagh is the best doctor and I highly recommend him. Thank you.


What are the Risks?

No surgical procedure is risk-free and that includes cosmetic surgery like arm lift surgery. During your consultation with Dr. Sabbagh, he will review the risks so you can make an educated decision.

Tummy Tuck Alternatives


Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery ideal for removing fat from areas of the body. This body contouring treatment helps you reduce stubborn body fat and shapes the body to your desired appearance.

Body Contouring

Body contouring treatments can remove excess skin, remove unwanted body fat, or add volume to areas of the body lacking it. Body lifts, liposuction, and fat transfer surgery are all common forms of body contouring performed at our office.

Results of Tummy Tuck

The final results of your tummy tuck will emerge once your swelling and bruising have dissipated. After around one to two weeks, you will notice increased mobility, less discomfort, and a flattened and more toned abdomen. Your results are long-lasting, however you should maintain a healthy diet and workout regimen to maintain your new look.

Schedule a Consultation

Call us today at 248-270-5272 or send us an email to schedule a consultation. During the consultation, you can discuss our facial and body services and tour our facility, including our on-site operating facility.

Frequently asked questions about tummy tuck surgery