An important part of looking your best is improving the appearance of your skin. Our skin is damaged by our environment, sun, smoking and pollutants in the air. Our genetics also determine how our skin ages.
If you are interested in improving the appearance of your skin, you first want to set up a consultation with Dr. William Sabbagh at the Straith Clinic. Fortunately there are treatment options for most of the damages our skin may sustain.
Intense Pulse Light (IPL)
High intensity light is used to improve spider veins and pigmented irregularities.
Chemical Peels
Various options are available such as microdermabrasion, TCA peel, and Phenol Peel, to treat skin texture, scars, wrinkles, and also pigmentation irregularities. Dr. Sabbagh and/or our Esthetician will recommend what is right for you.
Fractionated laser is also great for smoothing and tightening skin and can help with skin tone.
It is important to know that some of these treatments will require downtime, one day and up to a week. Because these treatments are designed for shorter down time, more than one treatment is necessary to achieve the best results. These treatments complement each other and may be used together, in stages, to get a better result. Most importantly skin care is an ongoing process. You need to continue to take care of your skin so you will look your best always.