Botox® Cosmetic

Botox® Cosmetic is a purified toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Botox® Cosmetic, in extremely small doses, is injected into the specific muscles that cause frown lines, forehead crease, and wrinkles near the outside corner of the eyes (crows’ feet). Within days there’s a noticeable improvement of the lines in the areas injected. Botox® Cosmetic will not radically change your facial appearance or make you look as if you had work done.

Injectable Fillers

Juvederm® is gel indicated for the correction of moderate to severe lines along the sides of the nose and mouth (such as nasolabial folds). Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the skin that helps to retain moisture and elasticity. Young, healthy skin has an abundance of this substance. As you age, the amount of hyaluronic acid in your skin is reduced by sunlight, aging, and other factors. This lack of HA causes your skin to lose structure and volume, which then leads to facial wrinkles and folds. Juvederm XC is an injectable gel made of hyaluronic acid which helps to replace the HA that has been lost. This helps to add volume and smooth out the skin. Juvederm has been tested on both female and male patients and all skin types, so everyone can enjoy the benefits. Juvederm XC is also available in two formulations, Juvederm Ultra XC and Juvederm Ultra Plus XC. Radiesse, Restylane, and Perlane are also fillers to restore volume and smooth facial wrinkles. The results can last from 6 to 12 months. Your healthcare professional will determine which filler is right for you.

Fraxel®Restore Laser

Repairing skin textural irregularities, acne (scarring), skin discolorations and fine lines in a safe, noninvasive way to reveal luminous skin is a common goal for many patients. Regain your youthful appearance with the revolutionary Fraxel treatment offered at the Straith MediSpa.

Intense Pulse Light – IPL

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is a light-based therapy treatment that uses multi-wavelength light to reduce sun damage, age spots, acne pigmentation, and vascular irregularities. IPL requires several treatments with minimal downtime.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are performed using a chemical solution to peel away the skin’s top layers. This procedure works best on fair skin with superficial wrinkles. Results vary and depend on the exact concentration of the selected solution’s formula. Chemical peels, depending on the doctor’s discretion, the type of peel, and your goals may be performed multiple times to obtain the desired result. Find out about the new “Perfect Peel” now available at the Straith Clinic Medi-Spa.


Microdermabrasion is a gentle sanding of the face, neck, and chest to minimize sun-damaged skin, hyperpigmentation, and skin texture. Microdermabrasion stimulates collagen production and enables quicker cellular turnover.


Customized facials available for your unique requirements. Plan your facials for that special night out or to maintain a beautiful glow. Facials help to correct bothersome skin conditions and are available for all skin types.

Skin Care Products

Yes, there is a difference between “medical grade” and “over the counter” products. Our esthetician will be able to recommend the appropriate toners, cleansers, creams, and sunscreens to accomplish your goals.